B.B. Bear Luv's You

The First Book in the B.B. Book Series, You and Me Make Three helps young children cope with the challenges of divorce and separation.




You and Me
Make Three



B.B., the companion stuffed bear gives kids
a soft, furry friend to hug and cuddle
and take to both Mom's and Dad’s!


To provide support for children and parents as they go through divorce and separation and to provide a B.B. Book and Bear to every school
in America.

Divorce is one of the most common problems facing kids today.

(Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, National Center for Health Statistics, Americans for Divorce Reform, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Institute for Equality in Marriage, American Association for Single People, Ameristat, Public Agenda)

Co-Authors and Best Friends Wendy Lokken and Gwendy Mangiamele with their Children, Michael O’Dea and Mia Johnson

Michael O’Dea & Mia Johnson with their furry friends that helped them cope with their parents’ divorce.

It all began when Michael and Mia’s Moms, Wendy Lokken and Gwendy Mangiamele, met in college and became lasting friends. Years later, they had their first and only children, born six months apart.  Wendy’s son, Michael O’Dea and Gwendy’s daughter, Mia Johnson, are now 12 years old and share a special bond that began when they were infants.
Like their mothers, they are good friends. When Mia and Michael’s parents each separated, they not only had to contend with the divorce, but they also had to deal with living in separate homes.  To cope, Mia and Michael, independent of one another, found a special friend -- a stuffed animal they could hug and love. Michael’s soft “Cozy Bear” and Mia’s big floppy dog “Sheila” accompanied them and provided comfort when transitioning to their parents' individual homes.

After learning in school about the ancient tradition of Worry Dolls, Michael told his Mom that Worry Dolls were like his Cozy Bear and every kid going through a divorce should have something like a Worry Doll. Michael reinforced the concept he and Mia already had in place! Every child going through separation should have a “Worry Doll” or a B.B. The Bear!

Educator, Patricia Vinton and Michael O’Dea

“B.B. provides a simple yet effective way for communication not only with the child who is experiencing the divorce of his/her parents, but also other classmates who interact with the child on a daily basis. Who can resist sharing talks with a friend like BB Bear!”

Patricia Vinton, Educator, Naples, FL